Ron Galella, Fotografi av Jane Fonda och Michael Jackson
Svartvitt, fotografi medföljer som visar baksidan av fotografiet, där det står: "Feb. 25. 1983: Actress Jane Fonda presented Michael Jackson with a platinum record in a ceremony held at CBS Records in the Century City California. The latest UPDATE on Fonda is that "Radiance" is the title of the new N. Richard Nash novel, wherein the leading charecter is an actress of outspoken political opinion and action. Nash was paid $500.000 up front by Doubleday for his book and they say the movie sale will certainly equal that figure at least. So far, Jane har been mum concerning her opinion of the fiction. Maybe that´s because Nash´s first choice to play the leading role in the movie version is Jane Fonda! 24/2 THIS IS AN ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH BY RON GALELLA:" samt Ron Galellas signatur, fotografiet mäter ca 24,2x17,8 cm
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