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Contemporary Art & Design 662
Auktion: 15−16 april 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Auktion: 15 april 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Auktion: 20−21 maj 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Auktion: 11−13 juni 2025

Målning, oidentiferad mästare, tusch på papper. Kina, sen Qingdynasti/1900-tal.

Målning, oidentiferad mästare, tusch på papper. Kina, sen Qingdynasti/1900-tal.

Tre sigill i rött. Föreställande bambu. Motivets mått 33x26 cm. Mått hängandes 42x91 cm.



From the Collection of Sven Lindqvist (1932-2019), a well renowned Swedish author whose 35 books range from travel and reportage to essays, aphorisms, autobiography, and documentary prose. 1960-62 he studied at Peking University and was 1961-62 cultural attaché at the Swedish Embassy. He formed a life-long attachment to Chinese Art and culture, especially calligraphy.

During his studies at Peking University Lindqvist was fascinated by a Tang dynasty painter famous for his murals: Wu Tao-tzu. The legend has it that he - after having just finished a wall-painting, he suddenly clapped his hands and a gate in the painting opened. Wu Tao-tzu entered into his art, the gate closing behind him, and he was never seen again. The Myth of Wu Tao-tzu, by Sven Lindqvist, (Bonniers 1967, in English, Granta 2012), is the story of what happened to the painter in the painting.

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2 500 - 3 000 SEK
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Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Ansvarig specialist asiatisk keramik och konsthantverk, äldre europeisk keramik samt glas
+46 (0)739 40 08 02

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