Willem Andersson, Utan titel
Signerad Willem Andersson och daterad 2010. Olja på papper 18,5 x 10 cm.
Ej examinerad ur ram.
Galleri Niklas Belenius, Stockholm.
In the image world of Willem Andersson there is another world moving inside the world. It is translated, interpreted, projected and re-formulated into something indefinable and unrecognisable. In scenarios charged with Andersson’s personal imaginations and experiences, different conditions and events are established. They overpower the objects in the objects and determine underlying readings through an ontological play with what Derrida defined as ”substantia” and ”accidents”.
We see what we see. But we are also forced to see the arsenal of Andersson’s personal experiences. Episodic memories and interpretaions superimposes the images. It is unclear to what is what and perhaps the world will not be any clearer or more legible than this.