Toshikata Mizuno, sex stycken Nishiki-e träsnitt ur serien 'Thirty-six Elegant Selections'.
'Beauty gazing' / 'The Fourth Month, A Lady of the Enkyō Era'
'Field Pilgrams'/'The Sound of Insects: Woman of the Kan'en Era'
'A Shop: Woman of the Kōshō Era'
'Tea Gathering: Women of the Hōei Era'
' Iris: Woman of the Enpō Era'
'Gathering Mushrooms: Women of the Shōtoku Era'
ur serien 'Thirty-six Elegant Selections'.
Aiban tate-e, bildmått 30,5 x 20 cm. Totalmått inklusive ram 40 x 30 cm.
Ej examinerade ur ramar.