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En samlares bibliotek, del 8. Böcker om kinesiskt porslin och konsthantverk, 20 volymer.

En samlares bibliotek, del 8. Böcker om kinesiskt porslin och konsthantverk, 20 volymer.

Bestående av; A Connoisseurs Guide to Chinese Ceramics. Cecile and Michel Beurdeley. First Edition. Qing Porcelain, famille verte, famille rose. Michel Beurdeley and Guy Raindre. 1987. The Chinese collector through the centuries, M Beuredely, Switzerland, 1966. Le mobilier de chinoise, C & M Beurdeley, 1979. Sung Cearmics, Jan Wirgin, Stockholm 1970. Ming Porcelain , their origins and development, Adrian, M Joseph, London 1971. Art Chiniois, Michele L'Serstevens, Paris, 1962. Chinese Export Art, Margaret Joudain and R S Jenyns. 1967. Chinese Art, R. Soame Jenyns, 1981. Chinese Pottery Burial Objects of the Sui and Tang dynasties, Hugh M Moss, 1970. Ching-te-chen, T'ao-Lu. Geoffery R Sayer, 1951. Tao Ya, Geoffrey R Sayer. London, 1959. Glaser, Ostasiatiche plastik 1925. Guide to later Chinese porcelain, W. B Honey, London 1927. Chinese Decorative Art, Feddersen, London, 1961. Chinese porcelain, Volume I-II, W. G. Gulland, London, 1929. Discriptions of Chinese pottery and porcelain, Chun Yen, 1910.Chats on Oriental China, J F Blacker, 1911. A guide to marsk on Chinese porcelain, Gerald Davidson.

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From the Collection of Ann Kreuger (l1926-2022).

Ann Kreuger is well known in the circles of snuff bottles collectors, dealers and auction houses. She was an active member in the Snuff bottle society, researched, collected, lectured, and wrote numerous articles in the subject. Her deep interest in Chinese culture, language, tradition, and history led her to build a very rich library on the subject. A large part of her collection of snuff bottles was sold at Sotheby’s, see the single owner sale ‘The Guo’an Collection of fine Chinese snuff bottles, Hong Kong, Monday 30 October 2000, from where they found their way into other prestigious collections.

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206. Marianne Richter, matta "Muren grön", rölakan, ca 185 x 120,5 cm, signerad AB MMF MR.
15 000 - 18 000 SEK
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9 500 SEK