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Temaauktioner online
Systembolagets Dryckesauktion – april D066
Curated Timepieces March F584
Arts of Asia – Spring edition F638
Prints & Multiples Spring Edition F640
Jazz Legends E1180
Ett konstnärshem F651
Selected Finnish Classics F630
Scandinavian Modern F606
Selected Sculptures Spring F625
Contemporary Art & Design 662
Auktion: 15−16 april 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Auktion: 15 april 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Auktion: 20−21 maj 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Auktion: 11−13 juni 2025

En samlares bibliotek, del 3. Parti böcker om kinesisk konst, 23 stycken.

En samlares bibliotek, del 3. Parti böcker om kinesisk konst, 23 stycken.

Bestående av; Comprising; Classical Chinese Painting, London, 1979. The Distant Mountains, James Cahill, New York and Tokyo, 1982. Parting at the Shore, James Cahill, New York and Tokyo, 1978. Hills Beyond a River, James Cahill, New York and Tokyo, 1976. Chinese Erotic Art, Michel Beurdeley, Hong Kong 1969. Chinese Calligraphy, Tsen Yu-ho Ecke, Philadelphia, 1971. Flowers in Art from East and West, Paul Hulton and Lawrence Smith, London 1979. Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, Wan-go Weng. New York, 1979. Chinese painting Techiniques, by Alison Stilwell Cameron, Japan, 1968. Giuseppe Castiglione, A Jesuit Painter at the Court of the Chinese Emperor, Switzerland 1971. Zhou Chen, The life and paintings of a ming professional artist, Mette Sigstedt, Masterpieces of Chinese Painting in the National Palace Museum + Supplement, 1973. In Scholars Taste, Sydney L. Moss, 1983. The Calligraphy and poetry of Tien Lung. Stockholm. Facsimile of Landscape - Paintings by Chinese Old Masters. Facsimile of Bird - Paintings by Chinese Old Masters. Some recent developements in twentieth century Chinese painting, a personal view. The way of Chinese Painting, Mai Mai Sze, Toronto, 1959. Chinese Art, Leigh Ashton and Basil Gray. Chinese Art, vol I-II. Victoria and Albert, 1921.

Säljes i befintligt skick.


From the Collection of Ann Kreuger (l1926-2022).

Ann Kreuger is well known in the circles of snuff bottles collectors, dealers and auction houses. She was an active member in the Snuff bottle society, researched, collected, lectured, and wrote numerous articles in the subject. Her deep interest in Chinese culture, language, tradition, and history led her to build a very rich library on the subject. A large part of her collection of snuff bottles was sold at Sotheby’s, see the single owner sale ‘The Guo’an Collection of fine Chinese snuff bottles, Hong Kong, Monday 30 October 2000, from where they found their way into other prestigious collections.

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Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Ansvarig specialist asiatisk keramik och konsthantverk, äldre europeisk keramik samt glas
+46 (0)739 40 08 02

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