Maria Finn, blyerts på papper, utförd 1999.
"Untitled 3 (looking up to the sky)". 43 x 30 cm.
Ej examinerad ur ram.
Galleri Axel Mörner, Stockholm.
Stockholms Auktionsverk, 2007.
Maria Finn’s work revolves around memory, time and landscape. Significant for her practice is an inter-medial approach that involves several different media such as photography, drawing and video, as well as wall drawings. Language also plays a vital role, where she deconstructs existing fiction or creates new based on her own texts. These fragmented stories are presented in scenarios that convey mental states and subconscious processes. Recurring motifs are landscapes and patterns with which Finn investigates how we represent nature.
A notable show was Elysian Fields, Une proposition du Purple Institute at Centre Pompidou – Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris in 2000. Other notable shows were at Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice and Den frie udstilling in Copenhagen.