Jakob Avenius Anckarsvärd, tusch och blyerts på papper, signerad och daterad 2006 a tergo.
"Macculata". Vardera blad 31 x 21 cm.
Ej examinerad ur ram.
Anckarswärd was born in 1972 and is educated at the Glasgow School of Art and at Konstfack University College of Art, Craft and Design.
His works are represented at Teckningsmuséet in Laholm, Gotlands konstmuseum, Biblotheca Alexandrina, Konstakademins Bibliotek, St Görans Hospital and Uppsala hospital. He has often participated at the Liljevalchs Spring Salon and has exhibited at Färgfabriken, Konstnärshuset, Kulturhuset, Stockholm and Uppsala Domkyrka.