"San Quentin Point", 1986.
"Brett Weston - Voyage of the eye", 1975.
"The Snap-shot aperture", 1974.
"The great photographers David Bailey", 1984.
"Jacob A. Riis Photographer & Citizen", 1973.
"Travels in the American West - photographs by Len Jenshel", 1992.
"Sylvia Plachy's Unguided tour", 1990.
"The moment of exposure Leon Levinstein", 1995.
"One-Room Schoolhouses of Arkansas as Seen through a pinhole", Thomas Harding, 1993.
"Robert Adams - Tom make it home, photographs of the American west", 1990.
"San Francisco Observed - A photographic portfolio from 1850 to the present by Ruth Silverman", 1986.
"A ten year salute - A selection of photographs in celebration, The Witkin gallery 1969-1979", 1979.
"Tom Baril", 1997.
"Tony Ray-Jones", 1990.
"America worked. The 1950s photographs of Dan Weiner", 1989.
"Thomas Roma - Found in Brooklyn", 1996.
"Iowa", 1977.
"American Photography 1890-1965", 1995.
"Garry Winogrand Stock Photographs", 1980.
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