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UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI (1797/98-1861), färg träsnitt, två stycken. Japan, "The Humility of Kanshin", 1835.

UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI (1797/98-1861), färg träsnitt, två stycken. Japan, "The Humility of Kanshin", 1835.

Motiv från Kanshin matakuguri no zu, två delar av en triptyk.

Den högra sidan av triptyken, med motiv av Tsunetane och Hirotsune som dödar djävulsräven, mått 25,2x36,9 cm.

Den vänstra sidan av triptyken, mått 25x36,9 cm.

Smärre veck, maskstungen, smärre hål, missfärgningar, smärre fläckar, möjligtvis blekt, delvis uppklistrad på passepartout. Avkortad i storlek.


See similar with the blue ground in Kuniyoshi by Jūzō Suzuki, Heibonsha Limited, Publishers, 1992, no. 202.

Also see in color in 原色浮世絵大百科事典 (Genshoku Ukiyoe Daihyakka Jiten), vol. 4, p. 46.

Övrig information

From the Chinese story during the Han dynasty, Han Xin, Kanshin became commander of the forces to the Emperor and was renowned as a shrewd military tactician. This prints shows the legendary scene from his youth, when, passing through a market place, he found his way barred by an uncouth braggart who challenged him to fight. Rather than demean himself by submitting to a fight with such an unworthy opponent, Hanxin crawled through the legs of the man in order to proceed on his way.

See similar at The British Museum, London, museum number 1906,1220,0.1336.

See similar at The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, P.3648-R and P.11-1973.

See similar also at the Mike Lyon Collection of Japanese woodblock prints, nr 1181.

See copy of this triptych, but with the blue ground in the Adachi Ward Museum, Tokyo.

See similar print sold at Christie's, London, Japanese Art and Design, 10 November 2010, number 186.

This print were made in two versions, one with a yellow ground, which was earlier, as it has the kiwame censor's seal, like the ones in the British Museum, and one with a blue background.

Both triptych variants are illustrated in color in Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Exhibition to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of his birth, 1996, #s99 and 100, p. 94.

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