Hög med indragen hals, dekor i relief av bambu, samt s.k. faux-boix, träimitation i järnrött. Två centrala paneler med dekor i emaljfärger som avbildar hundar i en trädgård under tall och blommande körsbärsträd. Två avrinningshål i botten. Höjd 21 cm. Diameter 23 cm.
Slitage, glasyrnötning, spricka i botten.
Property of a private Finnish Collection.
The collection was formed between 1980-2020, the collector has had an interest in China and Chinese Works of Art since childhood, growing up in Beijing. He returned to China in grownup years for work, he came to live in China altogether more than 40 years. His love of China, and Chinese works of art is mirrored in the collection and being an academic collector, he never got tired of learning more about the subject by studying literature, attending lectures, visiting museums, auction houses and befriending curators from Peking, Hong Kong, London, Paris, and Stockholm. The collection consists of both Chinese ceramics and textiles, This being part 1.