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En grupp kinesiska mynt, silver och koppar. Qingdynastin samt tidigt 1900-tal.

6 000 - 8 000 SEK
557 - 742 EUR
589 - 786 USD
Klubbat pris
5 000 SEK
För konditionsrapport kontakta specialist
Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Ansvarig specialist asiatisk keramik och konsthantverk, äldre europeisk keramik samt glas
+46 (0)739 40 08 02
En grupp kinesiska mynt, silver och koppar. Qingdynastin samt tidigt 1900-tal.

En s.k. kinesisk 'fat man yuan shih kai silver dollar'. Diameter 3,9 cm. Vikt 26,8 gram.
En grupp med sju kopparmynt, diameter 2,3-3,1 cm. Vikt 43,6 gram. En grupp om 21 mässingsmynt. Vikt 94,4 gram. En grupp med sex mindre silvermynt. Diameter 1,8-2,2 cm. Vikt 20,8 gram.

Säljes i befintligt skick. Slitage.


From the Collection of Edit Pettersson (1890-1970).

Edit was born in Eskilstuna, Sweden, and studied to be a midwife at Löweströmska hospital in Väsby. She graduated in Stockholm 1913, and after working for 2 years as a private midwife/nurse with a family in Värmland, she travelled with the Sibirian railroad to China, and settled in Kiaockow in 1915 to work as midwife with the missionaries there. In 1920 she fell ill and was nursed at the German Hospital and then began her journey back, taking the S.S. Empress of Asia for the first leg of the travel, a stemer famous for crossing the Pacific in nine days, two hours, and fifteen minutes. She came to spend 5 years in China and kept in close contact throughout her life with the connections she made out there. She had a god son of the Emperor living with her and her husband in Hagalund, when he had fled China temporarily due to the political situation. The items have been treasured memories of the family since.