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Tallrikar, fyra stycken, porslin. Qingdynastin, Kangxi (1662-1722).

8 000 - 10 000 SEK
721 - 902 EUR
757 - 946 USD
Klubbat pris
28 000 SEK
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Din order kommer att iordningställas inom 2-5 dagar efter att transporten är bokad. Du kommer att få ett meddelande per mail, telefon eller sms när ditt objekt är på väg. Observera att leveransadress vid eventuell hemtransport måste vara densamma som du angett som din fakturaadress vid betalning med Klarna.

För konditionsrapport kontakta specialist
Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Ansvarig specialist asiatisk keramik och konsthantverk, äldre europeisk keramik samt glas
+46 (0)739 40 08 02
Tallrikar, fyra stycken, porslin. Qingdynastin, Kangxi (1662-1722).

Dekor i underglasyrblått med karpar som hoppar i floden. Runt brämet vågformationer. Diameter 21 cm.



Property of a private Finnish Collection.

The collection was formed between 1980-2020, the collector has had an interest in China and Chinese Works of Art since childhood, growing up in Beijing. He returned to China in grownup years for work, he came to live in China altogether more than 40 years. His love of China, and Chinese works of art is mirrored in the collection and being an academic collector, he never got tired of learning more about the subject by studying literature, attending lectures, visiting museums, auction houses and befriending curators from Peking, Hong Kong, London, Paris, and Stockholm. The collection consists of both Chinese ceramics and textiles, This being part 1.

Purchased at Bukowskis, 2010, Sale 559, lot no 1681.

Övrig information

In Chinese mythology, Longmen "Dragon Gate" is located at the top of a waterfall cascading from a legendary mountain. The legend states that while many carp swim upstream against the river's strong current, few are capable or brave enough for the final leap over the waterfall. If a carp successfully makes the jump, it is transformed into a powerful dragon. The legend is so famous that throughout China, a common saying is that "a student facing his examinations is like a carp attempting to leap the Dragon Gate."

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