Mytologiskt fabeldjur i brons med försilvrade detaljer. Längd 19 cm, höjd 16,5 cm.
Möjligen saknas horn och morrhår.
From the collection of Helge von Knorring (1897-1985), thence by descent within the family. Helge von Knorring was a Finnish diplomat who had a long career within the ministry of Foreign Affairs. He first comes out as a young attaché to Japan in the late 1920’s. then comes to Shanghai as the Charge d ’Affaires 1929-1932. Then he returns as an attaché in Tokyo again. The service continues with a lot of posts around the world, he was the Chargé d’Affaires in Pretoria 1949-1952, Abassador to Beijing 1952-1953, Ambassador to Bern 1953-1956.