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Vas, porslin. Qingdynastin med Qianlongs märke.

100 000 - 150 000 SEK
9 350 - 14 000 EUR
9 890 - 14 800 USD
Klubbat pris
80 000 SEK
För konditionsrapport kontakta specialist
Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Ansvarig specialist asiatisk keramik och konsthantverk, äldre europeisk keramik samt glas
+46 (0)739 40 08 02
Vas, porslin. Qingdynastin med Qianlongs märke.

Balusterform med dekor i relief av qilindrakar. Maskaronhänkar, förgylld dekor i relief ovan den s.k. robinsegg-glasyren med fladdermöss, blad, blommor och buddhistiska attribut. Höjd 33 cm.

Smärre fotringsnagg. Mistor.


From the Collection of Jägmästare Nils and Inga-Lill Hultmark, Torps Egendom, Västergötland.

Nils Hultmark was the son of Jägmästare David Hultmark, brother of Emil and Richard Hultmark, who also collected Asian Ceramics and Works of Art, all members of ‘Kinaklubben’ the China Club in Stockholm in the 1920’s together with Carl Kempe (1884-1967), Ivan Traugott (1871-1952), and the Crown Prince Gustav Adolf. The brothers are well known art collectors in Sweden and built their collections in the golden age of European collection. Nils and Inga-Lill also had a great interest in collecting art and were frequent visitors at the auction and gallery viewings in Stockholm adding well-chosen items to the inherited collection.

Purchased at Bukowskis auction 0526, lot no 1648. December 2002.

Previously in the Collection of Ivan Traugotts, Inventory no in red 1463.

Ivan Israel Traugott (1871-1952). Born in Hamburg, Germany, studied in Gothenburg and the U.S. Director of the Traugott Hat Industry. Known as a great collector of Art and Asian Art during the early 20th Century. He was a member of ‘Kinaklubben’ the China Club and an investor in the Karlbeck syndicate. A large part of his vast collections is today at the National Museum and the Östasiatiska Museet.


Adolph Donath, Der Kunst Wanderer, 1929-1930. Describes the collection of Traugott 'Ein ganzes Zimmer ist der chinesischen Sammlung Vorbehalten, der reichhaltigsten in Schweden nach der des Kronprinzen.' 'Jedes Stück der Sammlung Traugott hat Museumswert. und eine nicht unbeträchtliche Anzahl ihrer Kunstwerke sind auch schon im Laufe der Jahre als Geschenk in das benachbarte Nationalmuseum gelangt.'