Rundade sidor som reser sig från en ngt sluttande fot, utvikt mynning. Målade i starkt koboltblå ton, insidan med kraftfull femkload drake som jagar den flammande pärlan bland molnformationer inom en dubbel cirkel. Utsidan med ytterligare två femkloade drakar bland molnformationer. Undersidan med Wanlis tecken inom dubbla cirklar. Diameter circa 14 cm.
Nagg. Ngt slipad kant.
Puchased at Bukowskis, Sale 577, lot 1688. Then from a private collection.
From the Collection of Art Director Ivar Björnberg (1934-2021). Growing up at Östermalm, Stockholm Ivar visited gallery viewings, auction viewings and antique shops with his parents and alone. It was during his visits to the antique dealers of Stockholm he became friends with the dealer Victoria Lindström, Grev Turegatan 28, Stockholm (she later moved her gallery to Riddargatan). He started to work extra at the gallery and had her as a mentor when starting his own collection. The collection is a academic one and it shows Mr Björnbergs taste and great passion for the aesthetics of Chinese Works of Art.
Compare a dish like this sold at; Sotheby's. Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, 11 May 11, London, 14 mai 2011.