"Utan titel", 2002
Signerad Sirous Namazi på etikett a tergo. Upplaga 4/10. C-print 72 x 72 cm inklusive ram.
Galleri Magnus Åklundh, Malmö.
Carnegie Art Award Publication, 2006, motivet avbildat sid 101.
År 2006 belönades Sirous Namazi med Carnegie Art Awards stipendium. Katalognumrets motiv fanns med bland de verk som Namazi belönades för. Juryns nominering löd: "The Carnegie scholarship [...] is awarded to Sirous Namazi for two works which both, despite their difference in technique and size, revolve around the difficulties of representation and communication. With unfailing humour, Namazi pairs the estaethics of minimalism with the ideology of failure, and the result is often an illusion on the margin of painting."