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Kinesisk konstnär, färg och tusch på papper, nio stycken. Qingdynastin, 1800-tal.

60 000 - 80 000 SEK
5 350 - 7 130 EUR
5 380 - 7 170 USD
Klubbat pris
50 000 SEK
För konditionsrapport kontakta specialist
Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Ansvarig specialist asiatisk keramik och konsthantverk, äldre europeisk keramik samt glas
+46 (0)739 40 08 02
Kinesisk konstnär, färg och tusch på papper, nio stycken. Qingdynastin, 1800-tal.

Olika motiv från hovlivet mot gyllene grund, vardera med kalligrafi på baksidan. Ramade så att texten går att se. Mått 16,5-18 cm. Mått med ram 21,5-26,5 cm.

Slitage, färgbortfall.


From a private Swedish Collection.

These paintings reveal the hidden world of the Qing court.

China’s grand imperial era––the Qing dynasty––was a multiethnic and multicultural state founded in 1644 by a small northeast Asian group who came to call themselves "Manchus." These conquering rulers adopted the Forbidden City in Beijing as the seat of the government. The Manchu ruling house differed from their populous Han Chinese subjects by language, history, and culture.

Recently there has been several exhibition focusing on the women in the forbidden city. These paintings all give us a glipse of the hidden world of the palace, depicting both women, men, children and gives us a feeling how antiques and precious objects were displayed around the palace.