Sittande på dubbel lotustron med händerna i olika muddras. Inläggningar av turkoser. Spår av bemålning. Höjd 18 cm.
Skador, dekorbortfall.
From the Collection of MD Aage Nørgaard and his wife Marie (-92). Purschased in Hamburg in the late 1940's.
Compare to a stylistically similar gilt-bronze figure of Usnisavijaya in the Collection of the Rubin Museum of Art, Himalayan Art Resource no. 65445, of slimmer physique and dated to 1400-1499; and another related figure dated to the 18th century, in the Collection of Royal Ontario Museum, Himalayan Art Resource no. 77551.
Usnisavijaya is a female deity in the Buddhist pantheon who represents the Intelligence of the most splendid Perfect One, and is also known as the Victorious goddess of the Ushnisha. She is a Buddha of longevity, and is often accompanied by the deities Amitayus and White Tara.