Spindelgång, vitemaljerad urtavla nertill dekorerad med slaget vid Arcola och text: "Bataille bei Arcola gewonnen von Bonaparte - d16ten Nov.br 1795", samt på bron öppning med roterande skiva målad med soldater mm som synes marschera över. Graverad signatur med nummer 16521, 53 mm, boetten med engelska fantasistämplar och 23671. Ytterboett med driven dekor av riddare, 65 mm
the scene depicts the bridge at Arcola with Napoleon on the left bearing a flag, riding a black horse onto the bridge followed by his troops. On the right Croatian and Austrian forces firing cannon. The battle took place in Italy during November 1795. On the 16th, frustrated at the inability of his forces to take Arcole, Napoleon is said to have seized a tricolour and led Augereau's forces forward for a new and ultimately successful assault on the bridge of Arcole over the Alpone River