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FAT, porslin. Japan. Edo (1603-1868).

4 000 - 6 000 SEK
357 - 535 EUR
358 - 538 USD
Klubbat pris
5 000 SEK
FAT, porslin. Japan. Edo (1603-1868).

I underglasyrblått, med dekor av två eleganta kvinnor klädda i japanska kimonos. Kanten dekorerad med paneler av fåglar och kvinnor. Design av Cornelis Pronk. Diameter 19,5 cm.

Smärre slitage. Kantspricka. Kantnagg. Tillverkningsmistor


From the Kenth Löwdahl Collection. The collection has been sensitively put together by the avid and passionate collector Kenth Löwdahl (1962-2016), over the past 25 years. Buying from old Swedish collections, auctions and on travels abroad. The collection shows a great interest in Chinese and Japanese Works of Art. It is a broad and comprehensive study collection.


For a very similar dish, see the Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Gerry Collection at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, accession number 2002.447.123.