"Signal Vision", 2015
Signerad Jenny Källman och numrerad 1/3 a tergo. Pigment print, bildyta 90 x 68 cm.
Björkholmen Gallery, Stockholm.
Björkholmen Gallery, Stockholm, "Lounge",
27 augusti - 26 september 2015. Avbildad på vernissagekortet.
Motivet visades på David Risley Gallery, Köpenhamn, "Jenny Källman - Shutter", 26 februari – 2 april 2016.
Jenny Källman m.fl, "The Rectangles Sharp Stare", 2015, avbildad.
Så här beskrevs "Signal Vision" under utställningen på David Risley Gallery: "In other single exposure works in the show similar magical shifts occur. The photographs in the second room disrupt identity. Mirrors and flash, which would ordinarily reveal identity and detail are used here to mask and deflect. What should be a self portrait in Signal Vision is a photograph of a teenage girl. The overly familiar self absorption of the teenage image maker is dislocated and the photographer disappears, leaving the viewer in her place. We become the mirror."