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Robert Rauschenberg

(USA, 1925-2008)
50 000 - 60 000 SEK
4 500 - 5 400 EUR
4 760 - 5 710 USD
Klubbat pris
60 000 SEK

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Robert Rauschenberg
(USA, 1925-2008)

"Individual"; ur: "7 Characters"

Collage och papper i färg (Xuan-papper), 1982, signerad med blyerts, ur upplagan om 70 unika exemplar, utgiven av Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles. Ca 77,5 x 67,3 cm.


Gemini Publication Sequence Number 1033

Övrig information

In June of 1982 Robert Rauschenberg and Gemini G.E.L. traveled to the city of Jingxian, in the Anhui Province of the People's Republic of China, where the China Collage series was conceived and fabricated. Each piece started with a special handmade sheet of 30-ply Xuan paper measuring approximately 30 1/2 x 26 1/2". A piece of thin white silk fabric measuring 26 x 21 1/2" was laminated to the surface. Various collage elements consisting of cut posters, fabric swatches, and silk ribbons were arranged in unique configurations and glued to the surface. Seven different Chinese characters selected by the artist were carved into cherry wood, cast in paper, and adhered to each piece. The following characters were chosen for their meaning, as well as their aesthetic form: Individual, Change, Howl, Light, Trunk, Red Heart, and Truth. A thin, transparent piece of Xuan paper was laid over the entire collage, sealing in all of the elements. A randomly selected, two-sided medallion was suspended from each collage with a brightly colored ribbon. Each 5 1/2" diameter medallion was cut from authentic silk wedding bed covers and edge-stitched. The deckled paper edge of each collage was gold-leafed. A 12 x 7 1/4" mirror was mounted to the silk-lined backing board and reflects the design on the reverse side of the embroidered hanging medallion. Each piece was framed in a clear acrylic sheet box.


Robert Rauschenberg var en amerikansk skulptör och bildkonstnär konstnär född i Texas. Rauschenberg studerade vid Black Mountain College i North Carolina och vid Art Students League i New York tillsammans med bland annat Cy Twombly. Rauschenberg kan ses som representant för den abstrakta expressionismen, popkonsten och kallas ibland även neo-dadaist likt Jasper Johns. På 1950-talet blev han känd för sina så kallade "Combines" som bestod av icke-traditionella material och föremål som fördes samman till innovativa kombinationer. Ett känt verk av Rauschenberg finns på Moderna Museet i Stockholm och heter ”Monogram”. Verket består delvis av en uppstoppad get med ett bildäck runt midjan. Rauschenbergs verk kännetecknas av en dialog mellan ”the handmade and the readymade”.

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