"Abat Jour" (Lamp shade)
Signerad Man Ray och daterad 90/100. Höjd circa 65 cm. Utgiven av Edition MAT 1964. Originalask medföljer.
Föremålet omfattas av följerätt.
Privatsamling, Stockholm.
Man Ray utförde den första version av "Abat Jour" 1919, vilket han senare beskrev: "I slept until noon, then went out. There was some rubbish in the vestibule with a broken lampshade on top I carefully removed the paper, took it back to the room and hung it up at one end. It formed a pleasing spiral. This would be one of my exhibits in the new museum - my contribution as a sculptor."
Auktionens exemplar utgavs av Daniel Spoerris Edition MAT 1964.