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Carl Milles

(Sverige, 1875-1955)
700 000 - 800 000 SEK
65 400 - 74 800 EUR
69 200 - 79 100 USD
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660 000 SEK
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Carl Milles
(Sverige, 1875-1955)

Snäckbärande triton

Fontänskulptur. Signerad Carl Milles. Gjutarstämpel Herman Bergman Fud. Numrerad, No 1 och daterad 1950. Ursprungliga versionen utförd 1924-1926. Studie till Halmstadfontänen. Grönpatinerad brons, höjd 75,5 cm (inklusive grå bas 195,5 cm).

Övrig information

Carl Milles, probably the most outstanding Swedish sculptor of the 20th century, was a dreamer as a child and had no interest in academic studies but was deeply moved by art, literature and nature. At the age of sixteen he learnt woodcarving and studied for some time at the Technical College in Stockholm. A grant made it possible for him to go to Paris in 1897, where he spent seven years studying and working. Here he met Rodin, who became a friend, and was his most important source of inspiration. He also met his future wife, Olga Granner, a portrait painter from Austria.

In 1907 Carl and Olga settled down on the island of Lidingo near Stockholm at, Millesgården, their beautiful home, which is today a museum and open-air exhibition space for Milles’ sculptural works.

In the 1920s the couple made many trips around Sweden and abroad. Milles had become very sought after and secured many important commissions. He is responsible for a great number of monumental works throughout Sweden, and greatly influenced a generation of young artists whom he taught as a professor at the Art College in Stockholm.

Milles international breakthrough came in 1927 after an exhibition of his works at the Tate Gallery in London, followed by exhibitions in several German cities in 1928.

By 1931 Carl and Olga had settled in the USA, where Milles obtained a professorship at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, near Detroit. The couple remained there for the next twenty years, during which time Milles produced such important works as the fountains The Meeting of Rivers in Saint Louis and The Resurrection in Washington D.C.

The two elements, Water and Air, were constant fascinations to Milles. In his fountains he created his own seas where the sculptures reach upwards into eternity. The mythological sea God Triton, who was the son of Neptune and half man and half a sea creature, inspired to several fountains. Here the refined Triton is gracefully twisting upwards into the skies and when water is trickling down from the seashells it caresses the Triton’s body making the green patinated bronze shimmer in the light.


Carl Milles var en svensk skulptör född i Lägga. Han studerade på Tekniska skolan i Stockholm, på Ecole des Beaux-Arts i Paris för Auguste Rodin samt på studieresor till Tyskland, Nederländerna och Belgien. I Paris kom han att stanna i många år och försörjde sig som ornamentsnidare. Han studerade djuren i Jardin des Plantes (den zoologiska trädgården) och tog starka intryck av Auguste Rodin. Milles slog igenom med ett monument över Sten Sture i Uppsala. Han ställde ut på världsutställningen år 1900 och har senare tillägnats en separatutställning på Tate Gallery i London. Milles var professor i modellering vid Kungliga konsthögskolan i Stockholm. Välkända skulpturer på offentliga platser signerade Carl Milles är ”Gustav Vasa”-statyn på Nordiska Museet, ”Orfeusgruppen” utanför konserthuset i Stockholm och ”Poseidonfontänen” i Göteborg. Hans skulpturer är arkaiska i sitt uttryck och ofta utförda i brons eller gips. Som lärare vid Cranbrook Academy utanför Detroit i USA fick han möjlighet att utföra skulpturer åt amerikanska beställare. Regelbundet återvände Carl Milles och hustrun Olga till sitt hem Millesgården på Lidingö, som de skänkte till svenska folket.

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