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VATTENDROPPARE, porslin. Qingdynastin, daterade Guangxus 34:3 regeringsår, motsvarande 1908.

6 000 - 8 000 SEK
557 - 742 EUR
589 - 786 USD
Klubbat pris
16 000 SEK
VATTENDROPPARE, porslin. Qingdynastin, daterade Guangxus 34:3 regeringsår, motsvarande 1908.

I form av en modellerad lotusblomma, med dekor i famille rosepaletten. Längd 19,6 cm.

Omfattande lagning.


From the Collection of a Swedish Connoisseur, Stockholm. Acquired at Valdemar Sjöberg Konst-, och Antikhandel, Stockholm in the 1950'ies (original receipt enclosed).

Övrig information

The collection is a study collection, accumulated during a lifetime. The collector operated within the field of oriental works of art. Due to his knowledge and sense of quality he was of great help to many of the members on Kinaklubben (The China Club) with members such as the Swedish Crown Prince Gustav Adolf, Emil Hultmark and Carl Kempe. The collection I mainly acquired in Sweden and London.