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SKEDFAT, kompaniporslin, Qingdynastin, Qianlong (1736-95.

3 000 - 4 000 SEK
278 - 371 EUR
295 - 393 USD
Klubbat pris
3 000 SEK
SKEDFAT, kompaniporslin, Qingdynastin, Qianlong (1736-95.

Hexagonal form med uppvikt brätte med förgylld växtdekor, dekor i fatets spegel av s.k. nödmynt med romersk figur med text och året 1716. Diameter 13 cm.



From the Collection of a Swedish Connoisseur, Stockholm.


Compare with lot 233, page 238 in China for the West by David Howard and John Ayers, Sotheby Parke Bernet, London and New York 1978.
Also compare with the numismatic punch bowls previously sold at Bukowskis.

Övrig information

Nödmynten tillverkades under åren 1715-19, då den svenska statskassan var tömd. Till en början påtrycktes morska deviser så som Publica fide, Wett och Wapen, när desperationen ökade ändrades det till romerska gudar, 1719 präglar man myntet med "Hoppet".

The collection is a study collection, accumulated during a lifetime. The collector operated within the field of oriental works of art. Due to his knowledge and sense of quality he was of great help to many of the members on Kinaklubben (The China Club) with members such as the Swedish Crown Prince Gustav Adolf, Emil Hultmark and Carl Kempe. The collection is mainly acquired in Sweden and London.