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RULLMÅLNING, okänd konstnär, troligen Mingdynastin, 15/1600-tal.

40 000 - 60 000 SEK
3 670 - 5 500 EUR
3 720 - 5 580 USD
Klubbat pris
390 000 SEK
RULLMÅLNING, okänd konstnär, troligen Mingdynastin, 15/1600-tal.

En man stående bredvid ett bord överfyllt av olika mat- och dryckeskärl, samt frukter, omgiven av fem barn. Tusch och färg på siden. 176 x 106 cm.

Skador, sidenförluster, färgbortfall, lagningar och retuscher.


The Collection of Anders Hellström (1877-1940)
An industry leader best known for his work as managing director and chief executive of the paper and cardboard manufacturer AB Papyrus between the years 1912-1940.
In addition to his daily work, he spent a lot of his time on cultural work.
With his practical abilities associated Hellström vast cultural interests it came in handy with his skills in maintaining communication with representatives of science and art. In a number of artistic and scientific-acting compounds, he played a leading role,
in particularly the ancient Chinese art that was his main interest. The outstanding collection of Chinese bronzes he had acquired over the years, would in professional circles receive the highest appreciation. A few years after his death, part of his collection became donated to the museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm.

Övrig information

The scroll with an old label in English; 'The sweet meat vendor serving youngster. Early Ming Dynasty'.