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FAT, kompaniporslin. Qing dynastin, Qianlong (1736-95).

10 000 - 15 000 SEK
928 - 1 390 EUR
982 - 1 470 USD
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Björn Extergren
Björn Extergren
Chef Intag och försäljning Fine Art. Specialist antika möbler, konsthantverk och asiatisk keramik
+46 (0)706 40 28 61
FAT, kompaniporslin. Qing dynastin, Qianlong (1736-95).

Motiv med karpar bland vattenväxter. Diameter 45,8 cm. Med Nanking Cargo etikett nr 1503.

Slitage, nagg.


Christie's Amsterdam on 28 April - 2 May 1986 as "The Nanking Cargo. Chinese Export Porcelain and Gold." Lot nr 1503.

Övrig information

The Nanking Cargo
On Monday January 3, 1752, the Dutch East India Company, (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, VOC) ship Geldermalsen, struck a reef on her return journey to the Netherlands and sank in the South China Sea. Of the crew 32 survived and 80 went down with the ship and her cargo of tea, raw silk, textiles, dried wares, groceries, lacquer and porcelain.