Sittande på lotustron med händerna i den undervisande gesten (dharmachakra mudra). Inläggningar av turkos och korall. Inskription på sockeln lyder "Da Qing Qianlong nian jingzao". Höjd 32 cm.
Slitage, infällda stenar saknas.
Kina med Qianlongsmärke.
Property of a Swedish noble family.
Tara is a female buddha and a meditational deity, and one of the most popular godesses in Tibet. She is considered to be the goddess of universal compassion and the manifestation of the actions of all buddhas. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit root word tar (to cross over) meaning one who helps sentient beings to cross over the ocean of existence (samsara) from the impure state to one of perfect , pure enlightment.