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Domenico Mondo, tillskriven

(Italien, 1723-1806)
6 000 - 8 000 SEK
557 - 742 EUR
589 - 786 USD
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Johan Jinnerot
Johan Jinnerot
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+46 (0)739 400 801
Domenico Mondo, tillskriven
(Italien, 1723-1806)

St Gennaro, biskop i Neapel, Neapels skyddshelgon

Tusch- och kritteckning 14 x 8,5 cm.


Poul Bredo Grandjean, Köpenhamn (1880-1957)

Övrig information

Januaris, Bishop of Naples, is a martyr saint of the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. At the age of 20, he became Bishop of Naples. During the 1,5 year long persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian (244-311 AD) he and his fellow Christians were caught and condemned to death. His body was transferred in 1497 to Naples, were he is the city's pribcipal patron saint.
Three times a year the faithful gather in Naples Cathedral to witness the alleged liquefaction of what is claimed to be a samle of his blood kept in a sealed glass ampoule.
Saint Januarius' feast day is celebrated on September 19, in the calendar of the Catholic Church. In the Eastern Church it is celebrated on April 21. For the italian population of Little Italy, Manhattan, the Feast of San GEnnaro is a highlight of the year, when the saint's polycrome statue is carried through the streets.