"Väntan" (Waiting)
Signed Hagborg. Relined canvas 102 x 64.
Private Collection, USA.
The Paris Salon, 1877.
Henrik Cornell, Den svenska konstens historia under 1800-talet, Stockholm 1946, compare almost identical version of "Väntan", previously in the collection of Mr. H. Malmqvist, Malmö, illustrated pl. 156.
Svenskt konstnärslexikon, II, Allhems Förlag, Malmö, 1953. First version of "Väntan" mentioned p. 351 and illustrated p..352.
Svens Alfons & Bo Lindwall, "Svensk konstkrönika under 100 år," Stockholm 1952, jcompare a smaller version (39 x 28 cm) mentionend and illustrated under the year 1876.