Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen
Nils Möllerberg – The Sculptor Part I F626
Sivert Oldenvi Collection II F632
ateljé Lyktan 90 Years – Edition Bukowskis E1158
Björn Borg and Lennart Bergelin – Developing Greatness E1179
Spring Eclectic F603
Paavo Tynell – part two F623
Nordic Classicism & Modernist Design F622
Helsinki Design Sale F612
Contemporary Art & Design 662
Huutokauppa: 15.−16. huhtikuuta 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Huutokauppa: 15. huhtikuuta 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Huutokauppa: 20.−21. toukokuuta 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Huutokauppa: 11.−13. kesäkuuta 2025

Kevään Moderna-huutokauppa Tukholmassa 572

Lopulliset hinnat

305Torsten Renqvist, Capercaillie.55 000 SEK
306Eric Grate, Entomological motif.19 000 SEK
307Finn-Henrik Bodvin, Water.80 000 SEK
308Gunnar Nilsson, Torso, young girl.14 500 SEK
309Gudmar Olovson, "La Voix".39 000 SEK
311Christian Berg, "Torpedfigur IV" (Figure IV).Ei myyty
312Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, "Non violence".75 000 SEK
313Takashi Naraha, Untitled.19 000 SEK
314Oscar Reutersvärd, Aspiring cylinders.16 000 SEK
315Timo Solin, Running woman.35 000 SEK
316Lars Brander, "Endeavour".28 000 SEK
317Eric H Olson, Optochromie.23 000 SEK
318Henrik Allert, Owl.7 000 SEK
319Helga Henschen, The bull and the woman.15 000 SEK
320Robert Jacobsen, Untitled.10 000 SEK
321Robert Jacobsen, Untitled.9 000 SEK
322Ilhan Koman, Untitled.500 000 SEK
323Ilhan Koman, "Walking Man".480 000 SEK
324Ilhan Koman, Untitled.220 000 SEK
325Ilhan Koman, Untitled.230 000 SEK
326HEADDRESS. Tshiwara/Ciwara (stylized male antelope). Wooden sculpture with metal fittings.95 000 SEK
327Henri Laurens, "Femme au compotier".Ei myyty
328Lynn Chadwick, "Winged Figures II".300 000 SEK
329Lucio Fontana, "Testina".Ei myyty
330Lynn Chadwick, "Girl VII".105 000 SEK
331Lynn Chadwick, "Sitting couple on base V".180 000 SEK
332Reg Butler, "Study for Fetish".40 000 SEK
333Gió Pomodoro, Senza titolo.Ei myyty
333ASalvador Dalí, "Le cabinet anthropomorphique".Ei myyty
333BSalvador Dalí, "Carmen - Castanets".16 000 SEK
334Piet Mondrian, Oostzijdse Mill viewed from dock at Landzicht Farm.330 000 SEK
335Jean Souverbie, Nature morte aux poires.Ei myyty
336Ragnhild Keyser, Untitled.22 000 SEK
337Franciska Clausen, Untitled.60 000 SEK
338František Kupka, "Etude pour Energiques et Circulaires".220 000 SEK
339Jean Bazaine, "La naissance de Jour".600 000 SEK
340André Masson, "Le Satyre".550 000 SEK
341Bernard Buffet, Matador.620 000 SEK
342Pablo Picasso, "Tête de Pierrot".920 000 SEK
343Marc Chagall, "Nature morte".2 500 000 SEK
344Fernando Botero, "Crocifissione".110 000 SEK
345Marc Chagall, "Le Bouquet au-dessus de Vence".1 650 000 SEK
346Henri Michaux, Untitled.65 000 SEK
347Henri Michaux, Untitled.48 000 SEK
348Lynn Chadwick, "Girl VII".Ei myyty
349Lynn Chadwick, Standing figures.Ei myyty
350Marino Marini, Horse and rider.340 000 SEK
351Antoni Clavé, "Gant au colin maillard".Ei myyty
352André Marfaing, Untitled.48 000 SEK
353Olivier Debré, ”Signe personnage”.20 000 SEK
354Manolo Millarés, "Composition".Ei myyty
355Italo Valenti, "Il fiore rosso: La fleur rouge".Ei myyty
356Italo Valenti, "Brazil" (Collage Nr. X/27).Ei myyty
357Lucio Fontana, Concetto Spaziale.Ei myyty
358Pierre Haubensak, "Peinture Carée".Ei myyty
359Max Bill, "Farbe aus farbe".380 000 SEK
360Friedensreich Hundertwasser, "Columbus landed in India".3 150 000 SEK
361Friedensreich Hundertwasser, "Four men in chairs - brown background".800 000 SEK
362Friedensreich Hundertwasser, "Eye Bath".1 300 000 SEK
363Daniel Spoerri, "Le Jeu et le Hasard".Ei myyty
364Henryk Stazewski, Relief.155 000 SEK
365Jesús Rafael Soto, "Light Trap".105 000 SEK
366Julio Le Parc, Untitled.19 000 SEK
367Nadir Afonso, "S. Paulo".Ei myyty
368Lars-Gunnar Nordström, Untitled.70 000 SEK
369Enrico Baj, Composition with figure.65 000 SEK
370Max Papart, "Moon light sonata".30 000 SEK
371Max Papart, "Sugar".Ei myyty
372Karel Appel, Untitled.Ei myyty
373Asger Jorn, Untitled.Ei myyty
374Karel Appel, Untitled.Ei myyty
375Karel Appel, "Head".50 000 SEK
376Albert Bitran, "Composition au chevalet".Ei myyty
377Joe Downing, Untitled.Ei myyty
378Paul Jenkins, "Phenomena Prism Capstan".Ei myyty
379Paul Jenkins, "Phenomena in that Moment".Ei myyty
380Joan Hernández Pijuan, Untitled.Ei myyty
381Knut Rumohr, "Bre".Ei myyty
382Paul Jenkins, "Phenomena Dawn Pauilion".180 000 SEK
383Gleb Bogomolov, "Blå bägare" (Blue goblet).30 000 SEK
384Robert Natkin, "The Poet".28 000 SEK
385Erik Ortvad, Composition.Ei myyty
386Theo Tobiasse, "Le temps oú abondent le blé et le vin (psaumes du Roi David)".75 000 SEK
387Walasse Ting, Woman with fruit basket.155 000 SEK
388Walasse Ting, Women with parrots and flowers.60 000 SEK
389Roberto Matta, "Soupe-sonnante".Ei myyty
390Francois Gall, "Fiskebåtar III, Cannes" (Fishing boats III, Cannes).115 000 SEK
391Francois Gall, "Blommor I" (Flowers I).32 000 SEK
392Fernando Cueto Amorsolo, Washing Scene (Lavandera).320 000 SEK
393Louis Icart, Sous les tonnelles.55 000 SEK
394Louis Icart, Kissing Pierrot.Ei myyty
395Olle Bærtling, "XREK".24 000 SEK
396Olle Bærtling, "Ayarua".30 000 SEK
397Olle Bærtling, "YIO".18 000 SEK
398Olle Bærtling, "XA".12 000 SEK
399Georges Braque, "Le poète", from: "Cinq poésies en hommage à Georges Braque".20 000 SEK
400Georges Braque, "Pichet noir et citrones".15 000 SEK
400AAlexander Calder, Pyramids.15 000 SEK
401Marc Chagall, "David devant Saül", from: "La Bible".17 000 SEK
402Marc Chagall, "Saül et David", from: "La Bible".12 000 SEK