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American Waltham Watch Co, "President of the United States To Captain Hans Dahlberg", ca 1867.

25 000 - 55 000 SEK
2 340 - 5 140 EUR
2 470 - 5 440 USD
Klubbat pris
42 000 SEK
För konditionsrapport kontakta specialist
Carl  Palmegren
Carl Palmegren
Ansvarig specialist klockor
+46 (0)739 40 08 23
American Waltham Watch Co, "President of the United States To Captain Hans Dahlberg", ca 1867.

Storlek: 55,5 mm
Material: 18K guld, innerlock i 18K guld, kedja i 9K guld
Urverk: nyckeldragare
År: cirka 1867
Verknummer: 150'077
Boettnummer: 4238
Totalvikt: fickur cirka 147 gram, kedja cirka 40 gram
Gravyr: The President of the United States To Capt. Hans Dahlberg For the rescue of the Crew of the AM. Bark Toscana

Åldersrelaterat slitage. Lagning på boett.

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Övrig information

Presidents, often upon recommendation from the Secretary of State, formally acknowledged foreigners who displayed extraordinary courage by rescuing Americans at sea. The recognition typically took the form of a finely engraved gold pocket watch or binoculars, symbolizing the nation's gratitude. These watches, often featuring the Seal of the President of the United States, were personalized with the recipient's name and the reason for the award. The first of these pocket watches were given by Abraham Lincoln and continued to be given out until the end of the 19th century. This pocket watch was given in 1867 by the American president Andrew Johnson to Captain Hans Dahlberg.