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Top Sales and World Records at Contemporary Art & Design

Top sales for Mamma Andersson and world records for Lars Lerin & Ulla Wiggen at Contemporary Art & Design

Bukowskis Contemporary Art & Design auction achieved high final prices and lots exceeding one million SEK for works by Swedish and international artists such as Mamma Andersson, Ola Billgren, Rolf Hanson, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, and Keith Haring. The auction resulted in two new world records – Ulla Wiggen’s work” Sändare” and Lars Lerin’s work” Hemtrakter”. Jonas Bohlin’s iconic” Concrete” armchair presented the design department’s highest final price.

The highly anticipated work ”Sändare” by Ulla Wiggen exceeded expectations, resulting in the auction’s first world record when it sold for SEK 676,000 (previous record SEK 82,875, 2017). The auction’s second world record was for Lars Lerin’s work “Hemtrakter”, which sold for SEK 805,000 (previous record SEK 688,500, 2021).

Bukowskis presented lots exceeding one million SEK for works by Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Rolf Hanson’s” Runtom Trappa”, Ola Billgren’s” Målning”, and for the internationally renowned artist Mamma Andersson with the works” Runda Bordet” and” Objekt”, the latter of which was sold for SEK 2.8 million and thus ended up as the most expensive work of the auction.

– We are delighted that Bukowskis achieved new world records for Ulla Wiggen and Lars Lerin. Interest in Swedish contemporary art is in high demand. Other appreciated artists were Lena Cronqvist, Stephan Balkenhol, Eva Hild, Xavier Veilhan, Andreas Eriksson, and Paul Fägerskiöld, all of whom achieved high final prices. It was an exciting auction, and to see the intense bidding in the saleroom, says Louise Wrede, Specialist in Contemporary Art.

The photography department included a wide range of works from international names such as Cindy Sherman, Terry O’Neill, Anton Corbijn, David La Chapelle, and Tracey Moffart, which all went for high prices. The two images by Japanese photographer Masayoshi Sukita, currently exhibiting at Kulturhuset in Stockholm, also had several bidders.

– We continue to see a high demand for photography at Bukowskis. The atmospheric images by Swedish photographers such as Nygårds Karin Bengtsson, Lovisa Ringborg, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, and Cooper & Gorfer were in demand. Among the classic photography in black and white, August Sander and Edouard Boubat stood out with high final prices, says Karin Aringer, Specialist in Photography and Contemporary Art.

Overall, there was a strong demand for international prints. Keith Haring’s “The Fertility Suite” became the most expensive (final price SEK 900,000), David Hockney’s work “Flowers, Apple, and Pear on Table” sold for five times its estimate (final price SEK 377,000) as did Frank Stella’s work “Shards V” (final price SEK 487,000).

– We have many passionate collectors in Sweden, but the final prices show that we also reach out to international bidders and that Swedish provenance remains attractive. Keith Haring continues to be sought-after, and we also saw high demand for works by David Hockney and Frank Stella, says Marcus Kinge, Specialist Prints.

The design department presented objects such as the ”Concrete” armchair by Jonas Bolin (selling price 325,000 SEK), several armchairs by Mats Theselius, as well as internationally sought-after objects from Eero Saarinen, Michel Ducaroy, Piero Fornasetti, Tito Agnoli, and Jan Bocan, all of which sold at high prices. Another highlight during the auction was young contemporary designers such as Gustaf Westman and Niklas Runesson and a large selection of lighting from Hans-Agne Jakobsson. Carpets by Claesson Koivisto Rune for MMF were also in demand.

– Seeing the increased interest in postmodern and contemporary design is exciting! The auction also attracted more Swedish and international customers who contributed to new record prices, says Jonatan Jahn, Head Specialist Contemporary and Modern Design.

Scandinavia’s only recurring Fine Art auction for contemporary art and design continues to build its leading position with increasing international interest.

As part of the Bonhams network, Bukowskis reach a global market with millions of customers through a combination of our digital platforms and auction houses in Stockholm, Copenhagen, London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Sydney.

Consignments are underway for upcoming auctions.

Contact Bukowskis specialists

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Highlights Art

276. Andreas Eriksson, "Glance".
276. Andreas Eriksson, "Glance".
Hammer price 
145 000 SEK
100 000 - 125 000 SEK
390. Mamma Andersson, "Runda bordet".
390. Mamma Andersson, "Runda bordet".
Hammer price 
1 700 000 SEK
1 000 000 - 1 200 000 SEK
289. Dan Wolgers, "Källa (Candle-stick)".
289. Dan Wolgers, "Källa (Candle-stick)".
Hammer price 
24 000 SEK
8 000 - 10 000 SEK
290. Lars Lerin, "Lofoten".
290. Lars Lerin, "Lofoten".
Hammer price 
270 000 SEK
200 000 - 250 000 SEK
284. Björn Wessman, "Cabriéres".
284. Björn Wessman, "Cabriéres".
Hammer price 
100 000 SEK
100 000 - 150 000 SEK
318. Lars Lerin, "Hemtrakter".
318. Lars Lerin, "Hemtrakter".
Hammer price 
620 000 SEK
300 000 - 400 000 SEK
360. Mamma Andersson, "Objekt".
360. Mamma Andersson, "Objekt".
Hammer price 
2 200 000 SEK
1 500 000 - 2 000 000 SEK
297A. Ernst Billgren, "Hermelinens syn".
297A. Ernst Billgren, "Hermelinens syn".
Hammer price 
200 000 SEK
125 000 - 150 000 SEK
272. Martin Wickström, "Vieille A II".
272. Martin Wickström, "Vieille A II".
Hammer price 
65 000 SEK
50 000 - 60 000 SEK
306. Ulla Wiggen, "Sändare".
306. Ulla Wiggen, "Sändare".
Hammer price 
520 000 SEK
150 000 - 200 000 SEK
366. Ola Billgren, "Målning".
366. Ola Billgren, "Målning".
Hammer price 
900 000 SEK
1 000 000 - 1 500 000 SEK
301. Torsten Andersson, "Träskulptur målad med falurödfärg II".
301. Torsten Andersson, "Träskulptur målad med falurödfärg II".
Hammer price 
260 000 SEK
200 000 - 250 000 SEK
426. Stephan Balkenhol, "Mann mit Hand im Hemd".
426. Stephan Balkenhol, "Mann mit Hand im Hemd".
Hammer price 
480 000 SEK
400 000 - 600 000 SEK
313. Paul Fägerskiöld, 'Poppy Field'.
313. Paul Fägerskiöld, 'Poppy Field'.
Hammer price 
270 000 SEK
175 000 - 200 000 SEK
267. Ann Edholm, "Nacht und Nacht".
267. Ann Edholm, "Nacht und Nacht".
Hammer price 
65 000 SEK
40 000 - 60 000 SEK
339. Rolf Hanson, "Runtom trappa".
339. Rolf Hanson, "Runtom trappa".
Hammer price 
1 200 000 SEK
1 200 000 - 1 500 000 SEK
309. Lena Cronqvist, "November".
309. Lena Cronqvist, "November".
Hammer price 
80 000 SEK
40 000 - 50 000 SEK
431. Xavier Veilhan, "Michael".
431. Xavier Veilhan, "Michael".
Hammer price 
280 000 SEK
175 000 - 200 000 SEK
381. Lena Cronqvist, "Patiens".
381. Lena Cronqvist, "Patiens".
Hammer price 
600 000 SEK
400 000 - 500 000 SEK
273. Jim Thorell, "Burnt matches in the sand".
273. Jim Thorell, "Burnt matches in the sand".
Hammer price 
75 000 SEK
40 000 - 60 000 SEK
269A. Nicklas Randau, "Rilke describes grey and doves".
269A. Nicklas Randau, "Rilke describes grey and doves".
Hammer price 
44 000 SEK
20 000 - 25 000 SEK

Highlights Prints

477. Robert Indiana, "Heliotherapy Love".
477. Robert Indiana, "Heliotherapy Love".
Hammer price 
220 000 SEK
200 000 - 250 000 SEK
476. Jan Håfström, "Långsamt Farväl".
476. Jan Håfström, "Långsamt Farväl".
Hammer price 
85 000 SEK
30 000 - 40 000 SEK
467. Keith Haring, ”The Fertility Suite: one plate”.
467. Keith Haring, ”The Fertility Suite: one plate”.
Hammer price 
720 000 SEK
600 000 - 700 000 SEK
472. David Hockney, "Flowers, apple and pear on table".
472. David Hockney, "Flowers, apple and pear on table".
Hammer price 
290 000 SEK
50 000 - 60 000 SEK
497. Roy Lichtenstein, "Brushstrokes".
497. Roy Lichtenstein, "Brushstrokes".
Hammer price 
290 000 SEK
150 000 - 175 000 SEK
464. Keith Haring, "Pop Shop I: one plate".
464. Keith Haring, "Pop Shop I: one plate".
Hammer price 
300 000 SEK
150 000 - 175 000 SEK
470A. Damien Hirst, Untitled, from: "Re-Object Mythos".
470A. Damien Hirst, Untitled, from: "Re-Object Mythos".
Hammer price 
175 000 SEK
125 000 - 150 000 SEK
498. Roy Lichtenstein, "Mirror #8".
498. Roy Lichtenstein, "Mirror #8".
Hammer price 
150 000 SEK
60 000 - 80 000 SEK
509. Frank Stella, "Shards V".
509. Frank Stella, "Shards V".
Hammer price 
390 000 SEK
100 000 - 125 000 SEK

Highlights Photography

177. Terry O'Neill, "Sean Connery, Bond On The Moon", 1971.
177. Terry O'Neill, "Sean Connery, Bond On The Moon", 1971.
Hammer price 
70 000 SEK
40 000 - 60 000 SEK
183. Masayoshi Sukita, "Ziggy Plays Guitar", 1974.
183. Masayoshi Sukita, "Ziggy Plays Guitar", 1974.
Hammer price 
70 000 SEK
40 000 - 60 000 SEK
209. Mike & Doug Starn (Starn Twins), "Black Pulse #17", 2000-2007.
209. Mike & Doug Starn (Starn Twins), "Black Pulse #17", 2000-2007.
Hammer price 
160 000 SEK
125 000 - 150 000 SEK
223. Dan Wolgers, "Här slutar allmän väg", 1995.
223. Dan Wolgers, "Här slutar allmän väg", 1995.
Hammer price 
110 000 SEK
30 000 - 40 000 SEK
213. Cooper & Gorfer, 'Niza and the Animals', 2015.
213. Cooper & Gorfer, 'Niza and the Animals', 2015.
Hammer price 
185 000 SEK
100 000 - 125 000 SEK
254A. David LaChapelle, 'Amanda as Warhol´s Liz in Purple', 2007.
254A. David LaChapelle, 'Amanda as Warhol´s Liz in Purple', 2007.
Hammer price 
100 000 SEK
60 000 - 70 000 SEK
201. Nygårds Karin Bengtsson, "Other Stories", 2016.
201. Nygårds Karin Bengtsson, "Other Stories", 2016.
Hammer price 
95 000 SEK
60 000 - 80 000 SEK
215. Bert Stern, "Marilyn Roses (from the last sitting)", 1962.
215. Bert Stern, "Marilyn Roses (from the last sitting)", 1962.
Hammer price 
90 000 SEK
40 000 - 60 000 SEK
167. Helena Blomqvist, 'The Arrival', 2013.
167. Helena Blomqvist, 'The Arrival', 2013.
Hammer price 
65 000 SEK
50 000 - 60 000 SEK

Highlights Design

59. Tito Agnoli, a set of 6 chairs, La Linea, Italy, post 1957.
59. Tito Agnoli, a set of 6 chairs, La Linea, Italy, post 1957.
Hammer price 
55 000 SEK
12 000 - 15 000 SEK

Bukowskis is welcoming onsignments for our upcoming auctions Welcome to contact us today

Louise Wrede
Louise Wrede
Specialist Contemporary Art, Private Sales
+46 (0)739 40 08 19
Karin Aringer
Karin Aringer
Specialist Photographs and Contemporary Art
+46 (0)702 63 70 57
Marcus Kinge
Marcus Kinge
Specialist Prints
+46 (0)739 40 08 27
Jonatan  Jahn
Jonatan Jahn
Head Specialist Contemporary and Modern Design
+46 (0)703 92 88 60
Björn Extergren
Björn Extergren
Head of Consignment and Sales Department, Fine Art. Specialist Antique Furniture, Decorative Arts and Asian Ceramics
+46 (0)706 40 28 61