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Albert Johansson

(Ruotsi, 1926-1998)
25 000 SEK
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Karin Aringer
Karin Aringer
Asiantuntija – nykytaide ja valokuva
+46 (0)702 63 70 57
Albert Johansson
(Ruotsi, 1926-1998)

"Gröna vågen med frontsystem"

Signed Albert Johansson and dated 1974. Panel 62 x 78 cm.

Muut tiedot

Albert Johansson had his first solo exhibition at Galerie Samlaren in 1955. He became known as the “white colour painter” since his canvases were monochrome, with a rough white surface, a fact that confused both the audience and the critics. The Russian avant-garde painter Kazimir Malevich had in a similar way investigated this colour as a way to reveal an inner meaning of the art. Yves Klein did the same thing a few years later, but with the blue colour. In the seventies Johansson developed a neo-surrealistic imagery. Albert Johansson has exhibited in Sweden as well as internationally, among other sites the Biennale of Sao Paulo in 1959 and his works are to be found in the Moderna Museet collection and the collection of Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam.

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