This work is a part of the photographic series ”The Limbo Pictures” executed by Lovisa Ringborg in 2007–2009. Limbo meaning literally hem or border, in theological usage the name is applied to the temporary place or state of the souls of the ones who are excluded from heaven but that neither deserve eternal punishment in hell.
In this series Ringborg uses Limbo as a metaphor where she explores fragile, ambivalent situations. The characters in the images are isolated in a darkness isolated from the world around them, unaware of time and surroundings. The pictures becomes pieces in a personal existential puzzle about disorientation in a world of constructed norms. A place where the road suddenly disappears into a darkness and navigation is no longer possible – a solitary path towards an imagined fulfillment. Ringbord have had several solo shows at Cecilia Hillström Gallery, most recently in January 2020. If you wish to learn more about Lovisa Ringborg and her universe we can recommend the documentary "Drömmar och fotografi" shot in 2016.