A Swedish Silver Beaker, Vase and Bowl, mark of Guldsmedsaktiebolaget, Stockholm 1906-56
Bowl, GAB, Stockholm 1951. In the form of a low, wide cup with decoration of wave bands and a round foot, the rim decorated with transverse stripes. Underside engraving "Från styrelse och kamrater vid Uplands Enskilda Bank AB:s kontor i Gävle 30/9 1952". 14 cm diameter, height 9 cm. Weight 158 grams.
Cup, GAB, Stockholm 1906, punched lambrequin, foot with leaf decoration, height 14.7 cm, diameter 11.5 cm. Weight 140 grams.
Vase, GAB, Stockholm 1956. Round, smooth, tapering downwards with a twisted bead band on a decagonal foot. Engraving on the edge of the foot " G.A.B. tackar sin mångårige medarbetare Eric Ribe". Height 18.5 cm, diameter 8.7 cm, weight 288 grams.
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