Consisting of:
12 starter plates, model 1623.
12 soup plates, model 1616.
12 dinner plates, model 1621.
1 footed bowl, model 1532 (including one not first quality).
1 gravy boat, model 1651 (second quality).
1 leaf-shaped dish, model 1509.
1 cream jug, model 1538 (second quality).
1 serving platter, model 8164 (second quality).
1 serving platter, model 1717 (second quality).
1 salt shaker, model 1876.
1 pepper shaker, model 1706.
1 dish, model 1636.
1 serving platter, model 1556.
1 cushion-shaped bowl, model 1522 (second quality).
1 lidded bowl, model 1678 (second quality).
1 vase, model 1803.
13 coffee cups with saucers, model 1549.
12 side plates, model 1625 (including one with a chip).
3 ashtrays, model 1505 (including one with a chip).
1 outer casing, model 8501-4 (second quality).
1 outer casing, model 8501-A.
2 accompanying coffee saucers.
Kolhuja. Kakkoslaatua. Vähäistä kulumaa.