A 73-piece porcelain dinner service, "Blue Flower", Royal Copenhagen, Denmark.
Comprising of:
19 dinner plates, 10/1710 (11 with chips).
8 soup plates,10/1616.
10 starter plates, 10/1623 (one with a chip, one with a smoothed chip).
4 side plates, 10/8091 (all are seconds).
4 side plates, 10/8092
Tray, 10/1501.
6 egg cups, 10/1368 (one with a chip).
Vase, 10/1684.
Teapot, 10/8122.
Coffee pot, 10/8031 (unglazed bottom).
Sugar bowl with lid, 10/1678
Cream jug, 10/1537.
4 cups with saucers, 10/8041.
2 cups with saucers, 10/1546 (one cup with a chip).
Serving platter, 10/1559 (small firing crack, unglazed bottom).
Bowl, 10/1679.
2 jugs, 10/8051.
Platter, 10/1689 (chip).
2 bowl platters, 10/8007.
Bowl, 10/1518.
Small platter, 10/8169.
Small bowl, 10/1708.
2 saucers of 10/8041, 9 saucers of 10/1546 and one unnumbered saucer are included, several with chips. Not first quality. Chips. Firing crack.