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Johanna Wulff

(Ruotsi, Syntymävuosi 1974)
Johanna Wulff
(Ruotsi, Syntymävuosi 1974)

Johanna Wulff, "Kerstin Dellert-Confidencen", 2015.

Gelatin silver print, image 39 x 29 cm.

Ei tutkittu ilman kehyksiä.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Tom Böttiger Collection.


Hotel Diplomat, Stockholm, "Fortsätterna", November 26 - January 6, 2015.
Ebelingmuseet, Torshälla,”Fortsättarna”, January 16 - March 6, 2016.
Galleri Kontrast, Stockholm,”Fortsättarna- Johanna Wulff", May 18 - June 11, 2017.
Not Quite Galleri, Fengersfors, ”Fortsättarna”, July 8 - July 23, 2017.
Arbetets museum, "Dokumentärfotosalong", September 2 - October 29, 2017.
Österlens Fotograficentrum, Smedstorp,”Fortsättarna - en fotoutställning om personer över 80 år" (The Continuers - a photo exhibition about individuals over 80 years old, still active in creative professions), July 5 - July 27, 2018.

Muut tiedot

Johanna Wulff is a freelance photographer based in Stockholm with a versatile photographic practice. She alternates between assignments and personal projects, specializing in documentary and portrait photography. In recent years, she has primarily devoted herself to project and exhibition work, with a special focus on her project "Fortsätterna" ("The Continuers"), whose works are included in the auction.

"Fortsätterna" is a photo project by Wulff that portrays creative individuals over the age of 80 who are still active in their professions. In "Fortsätterna" Wulff has documented artists, writers, musicians, actors, and other creative people in their everyday lives and work environments. The project has not only resulted in an exhibition at venues such as Galleri Kontrast in Stockholm, Ebelingmuseum in Torshälla, and Österlens Fotograficentrum in Smedstorp, but has also engaged an impressive group of participants. These include well-known names such as Åke Axelsson, Kjerstin Dellert, Monica Englund, Bengt Hallberg, Lennart Hellsing, Ingvar Kjellson, Gunnar Larson, Lisa Larson, Yvonne Lombard, Siw Malmkvist, and many more.
"Fortsätterna" represents an important documentation and tribute to veterans within the arts and culture. Despite having passed the age of retirement, these individuals continue to contribute to and enrich the Swedish cultural heritage. In her own words, Johanna Wulff describes the photo project "Fortsätterna"" as follows:
– I wanted to highlight older people in a positive and inspiring way where age is really irrelevant. It is these people's drive and energy that are important, not their age.

Huutokauppa päättyi
Onko sinulla vastaava esine jonka haluat arvioituttaa? Pohjoismaiden korkeimmat loppuhinnat meidän kauttamme myytäessä. Ota meihin yhteyttä.
2 500 SEK
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