Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen
Nils Möllerberg – The Sculptor Part I F626
Sivert Oldenvi Collection II F632
ateljé Lyktan 90 Years – Edition Bukowskis E1158
Björn Borg and Lennart Bergelin – Developing Greatness E1179
Spring Eclectic F603
Paavo Tynell – part two F623
Nordic Classicism & Modernist Design F622
Helsinki Design Sale F612
Contemporary Art & Design 662
Huutokauppa: 15.−16. huhtikuuta 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Huutokauppa: 15. huhtikuuta 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Huutokauppa: 20.−21. toukokuuta 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Huutokauppa: 11.−13. kesäkuuta 2025

Vintage & Jalokivet, Tukholma S199

Lopulliset hinnat

207RING, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 1.20 cts.Ei myyty
208A brilliant- and navette cut diamond brooch, app. 7 cts.Ei myyty
209RING, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 2.90 cts.22 000 SEK
210SORMUS, ovaalihiontainen rubiini n. 3.70 cts ja 6 briljanttihiottuja timantteja n. 1 ct.Ei myyty
211ÖRHÄNGEN, briljantslipade diamanter och odlade South sea pärlor, 16,4 mm.Ei myyty
212A coral and brilliant cut diamond pendant, tot. 3.80 cts. Stockholm, 1982.Ei myyty
213BRACELET, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 9.65 cts.Ei myyty
214RING, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.36 cts.4 500 SEK
215RING, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.50 cts.Ei myyty
216RING, brilliant cut diamond, 0.16 cts.Ei myyty
217RING, brilliant cut diamond, 0.37 cts and rubies.Ei myyty
218NECKKLACE, cultured baroque Tahiti pearls, 14,4-10 mm, brilliant cut diamond clasp.Ei myyty
219A brilliant cut diamond ring, 1.56 cts, Gothenburg, 1953.Ei myyty
220A gold necklace with brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 1.34 cts, blue sapphires and emeralds.20 000 SEK
221A necklace set with brilliant cut diamond, app. 1.10 cts, and 143 brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 1 ct.28 000 SEK
222A pait of baguette cut blue sapphire earrings, brilliant- and baguette cut diamonds, tot. app. 2 cts.Ei myyty
223A pair black and white brilliant cut diamond earrings, 1.16 cts resp. 0.88 cts.Ei myyty
224PENDANT, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 1.14 cts.9 500 SEK
225A brilliant cut diamond necklace, tot. 19.92 cts.210 000 SEK
226RING, 9 briljantslipade diamanter, tot. ca 0.90 ct.7 000 SEK
227RING, three brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.40 cts.Ei myyty
228RING, blue sapphire, 1.18 cts and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.20 cts.Ei myyty
229EARINGS, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 0.60 cts.6 500 SEK
230EARRINGS, three coloured gold and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app 0.40 cts.6 500 SEK
231EARRINGS, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 0.40 cts.7 000 SEK
232A pair of brilliant cut diamond earrings, tot. app. 0.50 cts.Ei myyty
233EARRIGNS, pink sapphires and cultured fresh water pearl, 10,7 mm.10 000 SEK
234EARRINGS, large creoles with brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 2.68 cts.Ei myyty
235BROSCH, i form av uggla, skuren turmalin med rosenslipad diamant, safir och tsavorit.Ei myyty
236An amethyst and diamond ring, tot. app .0.20 cts.Ei myyty
237RING, blå fasettslipad safir, 2.03 ct, med briljantslipade diamanter, tot. 0.23 ct.10 000 SEK
238RING, odlad Tahitipärla, 12 mm, med navett- och briljantslipade diamanter, tot. ca 0.45 ct.7 000 SEK
239RING, odlad barockpärla med briljantslipade diamanter, tot. ca 0.85 ct.14 000 SEK
240NECKLACE, cultured fresh water pearls, 16,4-12,2 mm.Ei myyty
241NECKLACE, cultured South sea pearls, brilliant cut diamonds, 0.27 cts. Gaudy.Ei myyty
242PENDANT, cultured pearls and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.45 cts.Ei myyty
243PENDANT, 3 brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.50 cts.Ei myyty
244BRACELET, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 0.50 cts. Malmö. 1936.8 000 SEK
245PENDANT, white and cognac coloured brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 2.19 cts.12 500 SEK
246A cultured pearl and diamond bracelet, tot. app. 1.40 cts.6 500 SEK
247A triangle cut blue sapphire and old cut diamond bracelet, tot. app. 0.80 cts.12 000 SEK
248BRACELET, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 0.40 cts.5 500 SEK
249EARRINGS, pink and yellow sapphires, tot. app. 9 cts.Ei myyty
250A tanznite, 8.42 cts, and brilliant cut diamond ring, tot. 0.90 cts.40 000 SEK
251CHARMBRACELET, 14k gold and some charms 9 k. Weight 18,5 g.Ei myyty
252EARRINGS, cabochon cut rubies and baguette- and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app.1 cts.13 500 SEK
253EARRINGS, carved jade, rubies and small diamonds.7 000 SEK
254ARMBAND, runda kulor i sterling silver.1 500 SEK
255COLLIER, runda kulor i sterling silver.Ei myyty
256EARRINGS, cabochon cut emeralds and small diamonds, tot. app. 0.50 cts..Ei myyty
257NECKLACE, cabochon cut tourmalines in diffrent coloures and brillliant cut diamonds.Ei myyty
258ARMBAND, guld med skurna medaljonger i stenmassa. Sekelskifte 1900.1 100 SEK
259PENDANT, heart shaped enamel work set with small diamonds. 19th century.Ei myyty
260COCKTAILRING, fasettslipad ametist med gula,blå och rosa safirer, rubiner och tsavoriter.9 500 SEK
261HÄNGSMYCKE, cabochonslipad röd turmalin, 12 ct med briljantslipade diamanter, tot. ca 0.50 ct.Ei myyty
262EARRIGNS, cultured South sea pearls, 11,4 mm, amethysts and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.36 cts.Ei myyty
263BROOCH, miniature painting by Fredrika Bremer, 1871.4 400 SEK
264BANGLE, 18k gold. Weight 11,4 g.23 500 SEK
265EARCLIPS, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 2 cts.8 500 SEK
266RING, brilliant cut diamonds, 1.84 cts,Ei myyty
267PENDANT, amethysts, rosequarts, garnet and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.56 cts.14 000 SEK
268RING, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 1.40 cts and natural blue zircon.Ei myyty
269KORVAKORUT, viljellyt Etelänmerenhelmet 25,2 mm. Briljanttihiottuja timantteja n. 1.20 ct.Ei myyty
270EARRINGS, yellow sapphires, 3.30 cts, tsavorites and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.20 cts.Ei myyty
271A topas, 2.95 cts, tsavorite and brilliant cut diamond ring, tot. 0.55 cts.13 000 SEK
272A two strand cultured pearl and diamond clasp necklace.Ei myyty
273NECKLACE, cultured fresh water pearls, app. 13 mm.Ei myyty
274BANGLE, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.80 cts.9 000 SEK
275An old cut diamond ring, app. 1 cts each stone.Ei myyty
276RING (2 st), blå safir, 1.20 ct, samt prinsesslipade diamanter, tot. 1.20 ct.10 500 SEK
277RING, cultured Tahitipearl, 8,5 mm, and brilliant and baguette cut diamonds, tot. 0.25 cts.2 600 SEK
278NECKLACE, gold, Stockholm 1844.7 400 SEK
281RING, antique cut diamond, app. 0.55 cts and smaller diamons on the sides.15 200 SEK
282An orange sapphire, 6.30 ct, and brilliant cut diamond ring.Ei myyty
283A brilliant cut diamond ring, 1.03 cts.18 000 SEK
284A ruby, 3.04 cts, blue sapphire, 2.13 cts, and baguette cut diamond ring.Ei myyty
285EARRINGS, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 5 cts.Ei myyty
286RING, baguette cut blue sapphires, tot. app. 3.25 cts, and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 1 cts.5 000 SEK
287RING, brilliant cut diamond, app. 0.20 cts, and blue sapphires.Ei myyty
288BRACELET, round cut emeralds.12 000 SEK
289An emerald cut diamond ring, app. 1.95 cts.Ei myyty
290A brilliant cut diamond ring, 1.20 cts.Ei myyty
291RING, black enamel and brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.17 cts.2 600 SEK
292BROOCH, brilliant cut diamonds, tot. 0.50 cts, and pending peridote.Ei myyty
293PENDANT, heart shaped, three brilliant cut diamonds and two smaller, tot. app 1.80 cts.33 000 SEK
294A cultured pearl and brilliant cut diamond ring, tot. app. 0.60 cts.Ei myyty
295A princess cut diamond ring, tot 0.23 cts.Ei myyty
296A brilliant cut diamond ring, 0.71 resp 0.64 cts.Ei myyty
297A brilliant cut diamond ring, tot. app. 2.50 cts, 1930's.44 000 SEK
298BRACELET, 9 brilliant cut diamonds, tot. app. 2.70 cts. G. Dahlgren, Malmö, 1950's.15 000 SEK
299RING, emarald, app. 1.55 cts, and baguette cut diamonds, tot. app. 0.60 cts.6 000 SEK
300A brilliant cut diamond ring, tot. 2.15 cts.Ei myyty
301A brilliant cut diamond ring, tot. 2.96 cts.Ei myyty
302BRILLIANT CUT DIAMONDS, 3, 0.66, 0.64, 0.63 cts.29 000 SEK
303BRILJANTSLIPAD DIAMANT, oinfattad. Vikt 0.92 ct.30 000 SEK
304BRILJANTSLIPAD DIAMANT, oinfattad. Vikt 0.91 ct.43 000 SEK
305BRILLIANT CUT DIAMONDS, 2 loose stones, 0.62, 0.59 cts.17 500 SEK
306BRILLIANT CUT DIAMOND, loose, 0.74 cts.17 000 SEK
307BRILLIANT CUT DIAMOND, loose, app. 1.05 cts.28 000 SEK
308PRINCESS CUT DIAMOND, loose. Weight app. 1.30 cts.Ei myyty