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Inge Schiöler

(Ruotsi, 1908-1971)
Inge Schiöler
(Ruotsi, 1908-1971)

Inge Schiöler, Pelargoniums in the window

Signed Inge Schiöler. Pastel on paper 39 x 31.5 cm.

Not examined out of frame.

Muut tiedot

In delicate, singing tones of colour, Inge Schiöler creates, as in the auction's flower painting, a welcoming sense of floral splendour beyond time and space. Inge Schiöler needed colours, light and warmth as a stimulus, which the auction's work well conveys.

In the exhibition catalogue from the Gothenburg Museum of Art in 1972, these characteristics are described with the words:
‘The coastal pictures around 1950 had had a colouring of restrained intensity. Gradually, the colour intensity in the oil paintings increased. In the 1960s, the effect of the pure colours is increased to a level that seems almost fluorescent. Despite the improbably high luminosity of the colours, his colouristic magic makes us believe in the landscapes: the waves wandering towards the shore, the wind playing in the grass, the light igniting all the colour hidden in the rocks and cliffs. With his dancing, free brush rhythm, he drives forward the movement in the landscape’ (Exhibition catalogue “Inge Schiöler”, Gothenburg Museum of Art 6 May-27 August 1972, page 4)

The painting in the auction shows a close-up of a floral splendour that is neither contrived nor constructed, but which, through Inge Schiöler's empathy, conveys a warm and secure feeling.

Inge Schiöler is primarily known for his painting. He grew up in Strömstad, studied at the Slöjdskolan and was only 18 years old when he was accepted as a student at Valand in Gothenburg, where he studied under Tor Bjurström. He undertook study trips to both France and Spain.In terms of subject matter, his paintings included portraits and figure compositions, female nudes, still lifes and landscapes.

His working method was fast and with enormous pathos.
He is one of the foremost representatives of the Gothenburg Colourists, a loose association of artists whose common denominator was their intense, sensual and often passionate use of colour. Four of the most prominent were Inge Schiöler together with Åke Göransson, Ivan Ivarson and Ragnar Sandberg. Erling Ärlingsson and Sven ‘X-et’ Erixson also feature in his circle.
Today he inspires artists such as Lena Cronqvist and is regarded as a role model, with his love unreservedly directed towards nature, far from the built-up area, where the water shines between the trees, the surface of the lake ripples and insects swarm.

Huutokauppa päättyy
9 päivää 1 tunti
Ei tarjouksia
28 000 SEK
Pohjahintaa ei ole saavutettu
Tee korkein tarjouksesi. Tarjouksesi on oltava vähintään 300 SEK. Lue lisää.
Tehdyt tarjoukset (0 tarjousta)
Kuuluu jälleenmyyntikorvauksen piiriin

Lain mukaan ostaja maksaa tästä taideteoksesta taiteilijapalkkion. Enimmäismaksu on 5 %. Mitä korkeampi myyntihinta, sitä pienempi prosenttiosuus. Lisätietoja tästä laista:

Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Suomen : Kuvasto
Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Ruotsissa: BUS

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Ota yhteyttä
Amanda Wahrgren
Amanda Wahrgren
Asiantuntija, moderni taite ja grafiikka
+46 (0)702 53 14 89

Olethan yhteydessä asiakaspalveluumme, mikäli sinulla on kysymyksiä liittyen kuljetukseen, maksuun tai muihin asioihin.

Puhelin maanantai – perjantai klo 9–13
+46 8-614 08 00

Puhelin maanantai - perjantai klo 9–13
+358-9-668 91 10

Sijainti: Bukowskis, Arsenalsgatan 2. Utlämning sker 10 februari på Arsenalsgatan 2. Utlämning Västberga allé 3 sker från torsdag den 13 februari.