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Hanna Ljungh

(USA/Sverige, Syntymävuosi 1974)
Hanna Ljungh
(USA/Sverige, Syntymävuosi 1974)

Hanna Ljungh, "Orchestration (Yesterday - Bolero)"

Executed in 2012. Kinetic sculpture with a glass box and a metal frame. Glass, mechanics/music box, silicone, wood, and steel. Height 144 cm, width 75 cm, depth 50 cm. A custom-built wooden crate is included.

Minor surface wear. The electronics were functioning at the time of cataloguing.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi



ANNAELLEGALLERY, Stockholm, "Foundations", 19 April – 20 May 2012.

Muut tiedot

Review of Ljungh's exhibition at AnnaElleGallery 2012, from Konsten.net (translated from swedish):
‘At the newly opened gallery AnnaElleGallery in Stockholm, you can currently see an exhibition of Hanna Ljungh's pictures from the series ‘Foundations’. Hanna Ljungh studied at Konstfack in Stockholm and is perhaps best known for her video works, which have been exhibited at Fotografiska, among others. ‘Foundations’ is an extension of the series “Vivisections” from 2011, in which Ljungh constructs artificial cross-sections that she then photographs in her studio. In ‘Foundations’, the cut-outs consist of recycled building materials, spray paint and personal belongings that create a form of artificial time document in which the artist is present both directly through the personal belongings she incorporates into the work, as well as indirectly as the author. The name of the earlier series ‘Vivisections’ is an older word for animal experiments, and these series can be seen as a kind of macabre dissection or digging into what lies beneath the surface, under the skin. When other artists look away and outwards, Hanna Ljungh digs below the surface to see what lies beneath. Yet the images become a kind of performance because they are artificially constructed.

The relentless passage of time is a recurring theme in Hanna Ljungh's pictures, which are reminiscent of the annual rings in cross-sections of tree trunks. Here, too, the idea of the artificial has an impact, as these are constructions and not real cross-sections. With titles such as ‘Foundation for the Future’ and ‘Dust to Dust’, the photographs make further reference to the relentless passage of time and the end that sooner or later affects everyone. The images simultaneously convey a sense of melancholy about the passage of time and hope for the future. They also serve as a metaphor for us humans and for the various elements that shape us as individuals.’

Huutokauppa päättyy
9 päivää 1 tunti
Ei tarjouksia
20 000 SEK
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Ota yhteyttä
Karin Aringer
Karin Aringer
Asiantuntija – nykytaide ja valokuva
+46 (0)702 63 70 57

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+358-9-668 91 10

Sijainti: Bukowskis, Arsenalsgatan 2. Utlämning sker 10 februari på Arsenalsgatan 2. Utlämning Västberga allé 3 sker från torsdag den 13 februari.