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Viktor Rosdahl

(Ruotsi, Syntymävuosi 1980)
Viktor Rosdahl
(Ruotsi, Syntymävuosi 1980)

Viktor Rosdahl, "Selma the Baron in the trees"

Signed Viktor Rosdahl and dated 2011. Oil on canvas, 200 x 196 cm

The general condition is very good. Uneven surface, areas without colour, all deviations in accordance with the artist's intention.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Stockholm's Auction House, Contemporary, 2014, 14 May, cat. no. 1.

Muut tiedot

“Born 1980 in Sweden, lives and works in Sweden. Viktor Rosdahl is a young painter that has been acknowledged for his dark, often furious portrayals of industrialism and contemporary society from an underdog perspective. He usually produces his work from found materials, which he attacks with ink and brushes, carves at with etching tools and smashes up, to achieve the desired effect.”
Extract from the catalogue text by Gertrud Sandqvist, Pandemonium -Art In a Time of Creativity Fever, GIBCA , Röda Sten,2011

“The largest painting in the studio is made from an mobile snapshot depicting a tree canopy, where one of his daughters has climbed up. It´s unusually gossamer, as if it was painted by Monét, not in sunlight, but out of the night.”
Extract from feature in Vi magazine, by Pontus Dahman, Sept issue 2011.

Rosdahls works´ve been showned extentially in numerous institutions, artist run initiatives and private galleries over the past two decades. Recent solos shows include my own pictures; a rare light at Berg Gallery, Stockholm (2023), Dunkelhet at Cora Hillebrand, Gothenburg (2022) and Jenseits at Werkhalle Wiesenburg, Berlin (2023), recent duo shows include Mancave at Sotheby´s co/ curated by Ebba de Faire, Stockholm (2022), Chart Art Fair with Cora Hillebrand, Copenhagen (2022) and Tönnheim Gallery, Marbella (2023). His works are represented in the collections of Moderna Muséet, Nationalmuséet and The Brittish Museum as well as in several private and public collections. 2019 he installed a major public art work extending 4 floors at Danderyds new Emergency Hospital Building. He has been awarded with scholarships by the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation (2009), Malmö Museum (2008), Edstrandska award 2012, and by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee 2007, 2010, 2013, 2019 and 2023.

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Louise Wrede
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