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A Collectors Library, part 14. A group of dictionarys and encyklopedias. (25 volumes)

A Collectors Library, part 14. A group of dictionarys and encyklopedias. (25 volumes)

Comprising; Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period (1644-1912), Arthur W. Hummel, Taipei 1970. A Chinese Biographical Dictionary, Herbert A Giles, Taipei 1971. The Encyclopaedia Sinica, By Samuel Coulding, Taipei 1973. Nature in Chinese Art, by Arthur de Carle Swerby and Harry E Gibson, New York 1940. Chinese Symbolism and Art Motives, C. A. S. Williams, New York 1960. A Chinese-English Dictionary, 1978. Mathews' Chinese English Dictionary, American Edition, Harward University Press, Massachusetts 1944. Substance and Symbol in Chinese Toggles, by Schuyler Cammann, Philadelphia 1962. Annual Customs and Festivals in Peking, by Tun Li-Ch'en, Hong Kong 1965. Chinese to English Dictionary, English Copy of Xinhua Zidian, California 1978. A Dictionary of Chinese Mythology, by E.T.C Werner, New York 1961. Myths and Legends of China, by E. T. Chalmers Werner, London 1924. Pointers and Clues to the Subjects of Chinese and Japanese Art by Will. H Edmunds. A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Routhledge & Kegan Paul, New York 1986. The Glossary of Chinese Art and Archeology, by S Howard Hansford, London 1972. A handbook of Chinese Art, by Margaret Medely, London 1964. Read Chinese, a beginning text in the Chinese Character, by Fang-Yu Wang, Connecticut 1968. Animals in the Chinese Zodiac, By T.C. Lai. Supplementary index to Giles Chinese Biographical Dictionary, compilded by Gillis and Yu, San Fransisco, 1979. Chinese Readers Manual, by William Frederick Meyers, Shanghai 1874. A Tourists Handbook of Conversation in Chinese, by Tong Lung, Hong Kong. Chinese for Beginners, Peking 1976. English-Chinese Dicitonary of Peking Colloquial, London 1933. Chinese Symbols and Superstitions, by Harry T. Morgan. Detroit 1972. Nagel's Encyclopedia- Guide, China. Switzerland 1978.

Sold as is.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

From the Collection of Ann Kreuger (l1926-2022).

Ann Kreuger is well known in the circles of snuff bottles collectors, dealers and auction houses. She was an active member in the Snuff bottle society, researched, collected, lectured, and wrote numerous articles in the subject. Her deep interest in Chinese culture, language, tradition, and history led her to build a very rich library on the subject. A large part of her collection of snuff bottles was sold at Sotheby’s, see the single owner sale ‘The Guo’an Collection of fine Chinese snuff bottles, Hong Kong, Monday 30 October 2000, from where they found their way into other prestigious collections.

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Onko sinulla vastaava esine jonka haluat arvioituttaa? Pohjoismaiden korkeimmat loppuhinnat meidän kauttamme myytäessä. Ota meihin yhteyttä.
4 000 SEK
Huutokauppa on päättynyt.
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Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Johtava asiantuntija – itämainen keramiikka & taidekäsityö, eurooppalainen keramiikka ja lasi
+46 (0)739 40 08 02

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Puhelin maanantai – perjantai klo 9–13
+46 8-614 08 00

Puhelin maanantai - perjantai klo 9–13
+358-9-668 91 10
