Ernst Billgren, "Tvätterskan och syndafloden"
Signed EB. Executed in 2010. Oil on panel in artist's mosaic frame 170 x 145 cm.
Acquired directly from the artist.
Galerie Anhava, Helsingfors, ”Ernst Billgren – Förbättrad finsk konsthistoria”, 6 May – 30 July 2010.
Galerie Anhava; ”Ernst Billgren – Förbättrad finsk konsthistoria”, 2010, exhibition catalogue, illustrated p. 41.
2010 visade Galerie Anhava tillsammans med konstmuseet Ateneum utställningen ”Ernst Billgren – Förbättrad finsk konsthistoria” där Billgren visade sina egna versioner av verk från främst finländsk guldålder ur Ateneums samlingar.
Nedan följer ett utdrag från Galerie Anhavas pressrelease:
"Some of the pieces are very similar to the originals, while others contain only hints of them. The composition may be similar, although the theme has changed – of course for the better. The colours of the works create their own Billgren reality, and all of us who believe our eyes are mystics. Von Wright's classic birds can turn into clumsy wooden dummies, or his wood grouse can become a vintage American automobile, and Hugo Simberg's Wounded Angel remains as touching as ever.
The works are painted with skill, airily and wonderfully, as only Billgren knows how."