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Books about clocks and watchmaking – 54 vols.

Books about clocks and watchmaking – 54 vols.

Provenance: Åke Falk urhandel, Stockholm. Most books carry the blue ownership stamp of B & Å Falk, 6 x 4,5 cms, with a falcon vignette. Many books are or have been loosely covered with protective plastic, sometimes resulting in sellotape offsetting on endleaves. This is indicated below with a lowercase or uppercase ”x” / ”X” depending on visibilty of the staining.

An Exhibition of English Pocket Chronometers from the 18th. to the 20th. Century (London 1976, x)

G. Berman: An Essay on Church Clocks with Reference to the Clock from the Hospital Santa Cruz (London 1974)

G.-A Berner: Barème et guide pratique pour le taillage des engrenages en horlogerie et pendulerie (Bienne, no date, 2 copies)

P. Berner: Historique du réglage de précision depuis son origine jusqu'au commencement du XXème siècle (Bienne c. 1912)

C. Billeter: Le réglage de précision. Cours pratique (Bienne 1921)

D. de Carle: The watchmakers’ lathe and how to use it (London 1952)

D. de Carle: Practical watch repairing (London 1948)

D. de Carle: Complicated watches and their repair (London 1977)

P. M. Chamberlain: It’s About Time (London 1964, X)

A. L. Chaudet: Der cylindergang (No date, c. 1910/20?)

A. L. Chaudet: Der freie Ankergang (No date, c. 1910/20?)

Courbes terminales Phillip pour spiraux Breguet / Phillips terminal curves for Breguet hairsprings (Biel 1955)

W. O. Davis: Gears for small mechanisms (London 1970)

K. Deutschle: Meister der alten Turmuhren (Rockenhausen 1987, inscribed by author, x)

Dictionaire Horloger. Terminologie Numerotation. Edition 1976 [8 languages]

C. Dietzschold: Der Cornelius Nepos der Uhrmacher (Krems 1911)

H. B. Fried: Bench Practices for Watch Repairers (Denver 1954, inscribed by author ”To my teacher and big brother”)

H. B. Fried: Bench Practices for watch and clockmakers (NY 1974, X)

W. J. Gazeley: Watch and Clock Making and Repairing (1982)

K. Giebel: Der Isochronismus bei äusseren Störungen (Berlin 1907)

E. Gjerkaas: Klokkemakeri (Oslo 1987, x)

E. E. Hall: A Treatise on Staff Making and Pivoting. Containing Complete Directions for Making and Fitting New Staffs from the Raw Material (Exeter 1979)

C. T. & P. Higginbotham: Jeweled Bearings for Watches. A Full and Complete Description of the Manufacture Gauging and Setting of Jeweled Bearings in Timekeeping Instruments (Exter 1979)

B. Hillmann: Armbaandsuret det Beskaffenhed og Fremgangsmaaden ved dets Reparation (Copenhagen 1927)

B. Hillmann: Die Armbanduhr. Ihr Wesen und ihre Behandlung bei der Reparatur (Berlin 1925)

B. Hillmann: La Montre cylindre. Construction et reparation des montres cylindre (Bienne 1931)

B. Hillmann: La réparation des montres compliquées (Bienne 1930)

F. Hope-Jones: Electrical Timekeeping (London 1976)

L’horloge astronomique et Cathédrale de Strasbourg (Strasbourg 1924)

C. Huguenin: Les echappements (Le Locle, no date)

Humbert: Die Schweizer Uhr mit automatischem Aufzug. Funktion, Reparatur, Beschreibung der modernen Kaliber (Lausanne 1956, X)

A. Irk: Der Chronometergang (Berlin 1923)

H. Jendritzki: Reparation av armbandsur (Halle 1943, 2 copies)

H. Jendritzki: Der moderne Uhrmacher (Lausanne 1962)

H. Jendritzki & J. P. Matthey: Repairing antique pendulum clocks (Lausanne 1973)

H. R. Langman: Electrical horology (London 1935)

R. Lavest: Notions élementaires d’horlogerie (Bienne 1935)

F. Lecoultre: Complicated watches (Neuchatel 1985)

La misura del tempo: Dall'orologio solare all’orologio atomico (Milano 1988)

Loosli & Merz & Schaffner: Practical jewelry making (Bienne 1982)

E. Morpurgo: L’orologio e il pendolo (Rome 1957)

I. Pritz: Magyar órák. [=Hungarian clocks] Művészettörténeti tanulmány (Budapest 1943)

Reuleaux: The Kinematics of Machinery. Outlines of a Theory of Machines (NY 1963)

D. Riefler: Riefler-Präzisionspendeluhren 1890-1965 (München 1981, X)

J. D. Robertson: The Evolution of Clockwork (Wakefield 1975, x)

Sveriges urmakares yrkesnämnds korrespondenskurs i urmakeri (Motala 1961)

A. Timmins: Making an Eight Day Longcase Clock (Hinckley 1981)

G. Townsend: American Railroad Watches (Alma, Michigan 1977)

G. Townsend: The Watch that made the Dollar famous / Encyclopeadia of Dollar watches (Alma, Michigan 1974, with price guide)

J. Wilding: Machining and Constructing a ”Castle” Clock (1980, signed, copy numbered 343)

S. J. Wise: Electric Clocks (London 1948)

R. S. Woodbury: Studies in the history of machine tools (Cambridge, Mass. 1972)


Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Åke Falk Urhandel, Nybrogatan 5, Stockholm

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