YRJÖ KUKKAPURO, nojatuolipari ja sohvapöytä, "Experiment", Avarte 1980-luku.
Kromattua teräsputkea, maalattua puuta ja laminoitua koivuviilua. Musta pehmustettu kangasverhoilu. Valmistajan tarralla. Leveys 53 cm. Istuinkorkeus 32 cm. Kokonaiskorkeus 73 cm. Pöytä; Pituus 106 cm. Leveys 77 cm. Syvyys 77 cm. Korkeus 43 cm.
Iänmukaista kulumaa ja jälkiä.
Abloyn konttori Espoo.
Yrjö Kukkapuro is a Finnish interior architect and furniture designer with a prolific career spanning over 65 years. He gained fame primarily through his experimental design and ergonomic philosophy, focusing on ecological values and the inherent qualities of materials. Born in 1933 in Vyborg, Kukkapuro studied at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, later becoming a teacher there. Eventually, he served as the rector from 1978 to 1980.
Kukkapuro is perhaps best known for his chairs, with one of the most famous being the "Karuselli" from 1964. The chair was dubbed the "Most Comfortable Chair in the World" by The New York Times in 1974 and is part of the permanent collections at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.