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Travel Books 1758-1823

Travel Books 1758-1823

Pehr Osbeck: Anledningar til nyttig upmärksamhet under Chinesiska resor, upgifne i kongl. Vet. academien, uti et inträdes-tal, den 25 februarii, 1758. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1758. 8vo. (21,3 x 13,6 cms.) [2] + 20 pp. Uncut in later marbled boards, slight surface wear. Speech by Osbeck to the Swedish Academy of Sciences about a journey to China.

Michel Adanson: Adansons resa till Senegal. Öfversättning från fransyskan af J. H. O. [=Johan Henrik Olin]. Upsala, Joh. Fr. Edman, 1795. 8vo. (17,5 x 11 cms.) [2] + 194 pp. Contemporary leather-backed boards, slight wear, roughly contemporary ownership inscription: ”Wilhelm Lindbohm”. Fine.

James Riley: James Riley's fångenskap och resa i Afrika, föranledde af amerikanska briggen Commerces skeppsbrott mot afrikanska vestra kusten den 28 aug. 1815, jemte underrättelser om Tombuktu och den hittills oupptäckta stora staden Wassanah. Från engelskan med förkortningar. Öfversättning från tyskan. Upsala, Palmblad & C., 1820. 8vo. (19,2 x 11,2 cms.) [8] + VIII + 168, 177-512 pp. Pagination irregular, numbers 169-76 omitted. Contemporary marbled boards, handwritten title on spine. Lightly worn, a few small and faint stains, almost uncut with deckle edge frequently preserved at foot. Abridged Swedish edition, translated from the German, of ”Loss of the American Brig Commerce, wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa, in the month of August, 1815. With an Account of Tombuctoo, and of the hitherto undiscovered great City of Wassanah”.

Archibald Campbell: Archibald Campbells Resa omkring jorden, åren 1806 till 1812; innehållande berättelse om författarens twenne skeppsbrott på Amerikas nordwestra kust, om hans långwariga wistande på Sandwichöarne, samt beskrifning om dessa öar och deras inwånare. Öfwersättning af C.F. Seijerling. Stockholm, Upsala, Carlstad, Westerås och Örebro, Em. Bruzelius. 1823. 8vo. (19,5 x 11,5 cms.) [4] pp. (incl. series title for a collection of travel books) + 88 pp. Wide-margined copy bound with wrappers in later half calf (Torvald Windahl, Stockholm). Occasional marginal nicks, last two leaves with dampstain in lower inner corner, roughly contemporary ownership inscription on verso of front wrapper: ”Augusta Lindal”. Swedish edition of ”A Voyage Round the World, from 1806 to 1812; in which Japan, Kamschatka, the Aleutian Islands, and the Sandwich Islands, were visited. With an account of the present state of the Sandwich Islands, and a vocabulary of their language”.


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